Friday, 12 May 2017

Change of Habitats (Wolves)

Change of Habitats (Wolves)

This week me and Hannah decided to find information about how wolves changed "Yellowstone Park." We went on YouTube and typed up Yellow park change of the ecosystem after we pressed enter we (Me and Hannah) looked at the video called ''The Wolves that changed rivers'' we also looked at a video called ''Wolves are Responsible for changes in Yellowstone Park.''There were really interesting.

In 1995 the first 14 wolves were reintroduced into ''National Yellowstone Park''  although small in number the wolves started to have the most remarkable affects. By that I mean when they killed there prey it meant more than death because every kill that a wolf did meant more of another species and the wolves really only preyed on one animal and that animal is an Elk.The wolves drove off  the elk and since then the ''Elk'' have been avoiding certain places or landscapes E.g Low valleys,streams,some Gorges and low forest coverage all those places would make them easy prey.
Almost immediately new shrubs,grass, and trees started to grow in the places where the Elks don't go anymore.Bold Eagles and Ravens started to come down and feed on the leftovers of the Wolves kill.
Wolves maybe carnivores but they can eat grass because when they kill herbivores and eat them they are kinda eating greens.
''This information shows that Wolves breed life as well as death''  
We should Thank the wolves even if they kill they also made life!!!
BTW this is Written by the fabulous and Magnificent BONNY!!!!!!



  1. Nice I like how u put information in on ur wolf thing
