Friday, 4 August 2017

Bee Speech Reflection

Bee speech Reflection

 What I like the most about my speech is how I give it and my warning.
Why did I write about bees, I did it because I find bee's interesting and even though I don't like honey and I'm afraid of bee's I just really found bees interesting.
How did I come up with the information for my bee speech I read a book called
''The Self-Sufficiency book'' I searched through the book looking for the paragraph ''Bees,''
 when I finally found it I read up to ''bee foundation.''  I learnt a lot.

Which part of the paragraph could I improve, I could improve my first paragraph by adding more facts about ''bee's keep our plants alive.''
When I was reading it out to the class at my conclusion I speed up for some reason.
Who inspired me to do bees, my parents by encouraging to do bees. My mum told me when I first told her about speeches that she won her speeches and said that she couldn't believe I was doing speeches.

What saying my speech in front of the class felt like
I just got my speech out ready to say in front of the class.Butterflies danced around my belly
like they were having a parade and that wasn't the worst bit eel's, eel's flooded my belly to. This made me feel sick.I had to clutch my stomach together so I wouldn't spew.  I finally began.

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